Устгагч функц.

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> #include <conio.h> void Customer_Record(), Car_Record(); int num; struct Customer { char customer_ID[20]; int license; char address[20]; int phone; char email[20]; } cust; struct car { int regno[20]; char model[20]; char colour[10]; } car;
main() {
printf(" Enter 1 to go to Customer Record \n\n");
printf(" Enter 2 to go to Car Record \n\n");
scanf("%d", &num); if (num = 1) { Customer_Record(); } else if (num = 2) { Car_Record(); } else {
printf("Invalid Number"); }
system("cls"); void Customer_Record(); {
printf("********CUSTOMER RECORD********"); /* accepts into*/
printf("\nEnter the name of the customer ");
scanf("%s", &cust.customer_ID);
printf("Enter the license number of the customer ");
scanf("%d", &cust.license);
printf("Enter the address of the customer ");
scanf("%s", &cust.address);
printf("Enter the cell phone number of the customer ");
scanf("%d", &cust.phone);
printf("Enter the email address of the customer ");
scanf("%s", &cust.email); } void Car_Record(); {
printf("********CAR RECORD********");
printf("\nEnter the car's registration number ");
scanf("%d", &car.regno);
printf("Enter the car's model ");
scanf("%s", &car.model);
printf("Enter the colour of the car ");
scanf("%s", &car.colour); }
getchar(); }
